#DisabledWomenEngage: Women with disabilities take their space in the Beijing+25 review in Africa

On October 1st 2020, UN General Assembly is gathering to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Beijing Women’s Conference. One year back, the report “Rekindling the Beijing Fire of Revolution” was published, after months of discussion between African women organizations to review the progress in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration, under the lead of FEMNET.

15 feminist organizations and organizations of women with disabilities from African countries united to contribute to this African Women’s Rights Organizations Parallel Report Beijing+25. The report gave an unprecedented space to women with disabilities, with an intersectional lens.

Rekindling the fire of revolution, title with the Beijing+25 logo

The 15 organizations were:

Union des Personnes Handicapées du Burundi UPHB, Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services CBCHS, Kenya Female Advisory Organization KEFEADO, United Disabled Persons of Kenya UDPK, North West Association of Women With Disabilities NWAWWD, Organisation pour un développement intégré au Sahel ODI Sahel, Women Challenged to Challenge Kenya WCC, Women and Realities of Disability Society WARD, Visual Hearing Impairment Membership Association Malawi VIHEMA, Inclusive Friends Association Nigeria IFA, Rwanda National Association of Deaf Women RNADW, Rwandan Organization of Women with Disabilities UNABU, National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda NUWODU, Lira District Disabled Women Association LIDDWA, This Ability Trust

On this day we invite you to check out this report, which advocates for an inclusive implementation of the BPfA and is a milestone in the visibility of women with disabilities’ perspective and realities.

Because equality cannot be excluding, because there is no liberation if not all women are free, we stand alongside our sisters.  Let us unite and make our multiple identities a strength. Let us build a space for all women in their diversities by pushing for an intersectional approach to women’s rights. #InclusiveFeminism

Click here to access the report: https://femnet.org/2020/02/rekindling-the-beijing-fire-of-revolution-africa-beijing25-parallel-report/